turquoisej; an introduction

Hello all & thank you for reading my blog.  This is my first posting & my first blog, so I will begin by telling you a little about myself and my reasons for starting a blog.  

I recently turned 25, and decided that for my birthday I would like to travel to a country that I had not been to before.  I ended up taking a 10 day trip to Turkey (an amazing country!) and along the way I kept a journal of my adventure.  Upon my return, I shared this with some family and close friends.  (I also realized that Turkey had been my 25th country I've travelled to!)

My Great Aunt has always been a huge supporter of mine, and since reading my journal she has encouraged me to pursue photo-journalism.  I decided that a blog would be the easiest way to share my adventures and see if it really is for me...  So here it goes!  

I am very excited to be starting a blog, however one of my biggest reservations has been the critical comments I see on the blogs of others.  Unfortunately, it seems that some forget that it is real people writing real stories, and are incredibly critical and unkind.  I may share an opinion that is different than yours, but I urge you to be considerate and kind when you are sharing your opinion in retaliation, here or anywhere online. I personally am not an argumentative person; some people thrive on debate and that is fine - I encourage you to go offline and have a debate with those whom you can shake hands with when the evening is over.  For this reason, I have decided that I will not be reading the comments left on this blog for the time being, so please do not take offence when I do not respond.  

My passion lies in travel & sewing.. I love being creative & exploring.  I also tend to be an organized and frugal person, so I'm sure that me living my life through lists and budgets will be reflected in my posts.  This will be the focus of my blog, and I hope that you enjoy reading about my adventures through life; both near and far.  

Design Life. Inspire Wonder.  Create Originality.  
