
Showing posts from June, 2015

Canada; Beresford, New Brunswick to Port Hood, Nova Scotia

Week 3: My favourite part... Having the opportunity to see the red sand beaches of PEI! Total miles... 715 Day 12: Beresford, New Brunswick to Miramichi, New Brunswick  88 miles   I said goodbye and left shortly after 8 this morning to take my bike down to the convention for the last day. The rain forecast didn't look too promising, but I went anyways to be an hour further down the road anyhow. Early afternoon the rain did come, and come, and come.  I caught a ride out to visit Gram and witness her critique her grandson's sock selection.  From there I hopped in with another friend, S, and a few of us went for dinner at Boston Pizza.  After dinner, I hitched yet another ride to stay with some other friends for the night. Their cottage is right on the ocean and even with the rain, has a stunning view.  Day 13: Miramichi, New Brunswick to Stratford, Prince Edward Island  210 miles  Rain, rain, and more rain. Slept in this morning and then enjoyed

Canada; Richmond, Quebec to Beresford, New Brunswick

Week 2: My favourite part.. Going lobster fishing! Total miles.. 880 Day 5: Richmond, QC to  Rivière-du-Loup, QC 274 miles It was an early start for some this morning, as a water pipe was leaking from upstairs. I, however, managed to sleep right through it. Breakfas t at 7:30 included an interesting but surprisingly edible combination of porridge, peanut butter and bacon. Our Sunday church meeting was half English and half French, and proved to test just how rusty my French has gotten.  After a delicious lunch of spaghetti and caesar salad, I headed out towards Quebec City. It was a gorgeous day to be on the road, a sentiment echoed by the sheer number of bikes on the road (I counted 227). I arrived on Ile D'Orleans shortly before 4, where I had the opportunity to pull over for a minute. Unfortunately, that led to the discovery that the front straps holding my box on had broken. I decided I had best find a  hardware store before they all closed, and left the island then.  Eq

Canada; Lynden, Ontario to Richmond, Quebec

Week 1: My favourite part.. Getting to see old friends! Total miles.. 607 Day 1: Lynden, ON to Oshawa, ON 102 miles   It's finally starting to feel real!! I said my goodbyes and left home at 9:30 this morning... Stomach full of butterflies and a huge grin plastered on my face. From Hamilton I headed into Toronto to meet my roommate from college for lunch. I just barely got seated in the restaurant when the torrential downpour started. We had a delicious lunch and had much to get caught up on; by the time we finished up the rain had cleared! Impeccable timing if I do say so myself. I still had a bit of time, so we went for a walk along the harbour front before I headed out for my cousins place in Oshawa. In my wisdom I thought I would avoid the highway, but that backfired on me in the form of closed roads and plenty of traffic. It took me a solid hour to get myself out of that mess, but I finally arrived in Oshawa shortly before 6. Enjoyed a wonderful evening with the

How to pack your life into 1.039 cubic feet..

Some of you will be wondering why anyone would feel the need to pack their life into 1.039 cubic feet.  Well, once again, me and my ambitious dreams are going on an adventure!  This time, it will be in the form of a road trip to Canada's east coast... on my motorcycle!  The saddlebags that I have on my bike can hold an extremely limited amount of things (i.e. 1.039 cubic feet worth of things..) hence the need to have a panic attack and seriously question what prompted this idea in the first place.   Luckily, that only lasted about 5 minutes and I came up with a solution.. which brings me to my next point..  Err..  Basically.. you should know that if you think you're going to be successful in getting your life into 1.039 cubic feet, you're setting yourself up for failure.  Accept it, embrace it, and go get yourself some more space.  Thankfully, my dad is awesome, so this particular pursuit required very minimal effort on my part.   Now that we've got that