
Showing posts from April, 2014

usa; arizona

Ask me what I thought of Arizona a month ago, and I would have said ‘Grand Canyon & Desert'... I recently spent a week RVing around Arizona and I was amazed by the variety of landscape and natural attractions worth checking out!  Some of the information might be irrelevant if you don’t have an RV, but the route and attractions could remain the same if you have about a week to spend. I saw the Grand Canyon a couple years ago, so we didn’t make time to go there again, and there was no shortage of other things to see. If you haven’t seen the Grand Canyon, I would suggest juggling things around to make sure you get to see it. I flew in and out of Phoenix, which was convenient and fairly central for what I was hoping to see. The attractions I’ve listed below were the highlights for me. There is plenty to see and do in between, but if you take it at a leisurely pace and enjoy the scenery along the way, you can plan to spend about a week going from point to point. {South M