
Showing posts from July, 2015

Canada; Lunenburg, Nova Scotia to Quispamsis, New Brunswick

Week 7: My favourite part... I really enjoyed Peggy's cove.. even in the fog!  Miles... 594  Day 41: Lunenberg, NS 13 miles   This morning was another grey, drizzly morning and as such it was also a lazy morning.  It did, however, clear up around 11 which I took full advantage of by heading into the town of Lunenberg to wander and explore the historical town; there were plenty of unique shops and historical buildings to enjoy.  I headed back to the house mid-afternoon and took the opportunity to catch up and make a few calls. I found myself a new book and it wasn't long until my friends S &R got home.  I spent a relaxing evening catching up with them and reading..  Doors of Lunenberg Day 42: Lunenburg, NS  158 miles   Started this morning off with a cup of tea and some toast, then headed northeast along the coastal road.  I stopped off in a couple little towns along the way, getting a tea in Chester and lunch at a Lebanese restaurant a little furt

Canada; St. John's, Newfoundland to Halifax, Nova Scotia

Week 6: My favourite part ... It was great to have a slower week and unwind a bit! (Vacay from a vacay.. Imagine!)  Miles ... 484  Day 33: St. John's, NL  45 miles   This morning started with partridgeberry tea biscuits topped with partridgeberry jam.. Yum!! Headed down the road for church, then were invited to stay for lunch and a lovely visit.  We headed out mid afternoon and returned to the university then we went out to Petty Harbor & Cape Spear, the most easterly point in North America! Very neat to see the coastline and a couple lighthouses there; it also provided a great view of signal hill and a lingering iceberg!  On the way home, we went out to Fort Amherst to see the opposite side of the narrows from Signal hill and a great view of the city!  We picked up a pizza for dinner and headed home where an old friend met us for dinner. Great to have a chance to catch up with her and very much enjoyed the evening. Most Easterly Point Signal Hill

Canada; Pasadena, Newfoundland to St. John's, Newfoundland

Week 5: My favourite part. .. Hands down: whale watching.. Amazing!  Miles ... 901 Day 26: Pasadena, NL to Badger, NL 122 miles Got up around 8 this morning to have breakfast with a couple of very happy kids!  After breakfast, we got ready to head to church.  After church, we were invited out for lunch.. & what a spread! There were at least 5 different kinds of meat, and I didn't even count the vegetables.. It was delicious and I *obviously* ate way too much. After lunch, we made our way back to Pasadena where we figured out our plans for the night. It looked as if the rain would hold off, so I found a campground two hours down the road for the night. We got our things packed up, said a huge thank you & good bye, and hit the road east again! We didn't leave until about 5, and after a quick stop for gas, we headed towards Badger.  We got to the camp ground shortly after 7, to an already lit fire! After getting things set up, we had some dinner and then roast