Ireland; Sligo to Northern Ireland; Bushmills

{Friday October 10th}

We got up around 7:30a this morning again to get ready. We didn't leave the hotel until around 9a, and headed to the Lyon's department store in downtown Sligo. They have a cafe on the second level of the store which was recommended to us.  

Paul ordered the traditional Irish breakfast; bacon, sausage, beans, toast, and tomato. I got French toast served with maple syrup... both were very good.

After breakfast, we headed towards the Marble Arch Caves. We had a very unceremonious entry to Northern Ireland, lacking even a sign. 

Marble Arch Caves
We arrived at the caves shortly before 11a and were lucky enough to have a private tour.  Because of the recent rain, the water levels were too high to take the short boat ride in, but we were able to walk into the cave. The water level last week was far above our heads, so we were lucky they were opened again. 

The caves are quite extensive and we went through several chambers following the path of a river. We were able to see several stalagmites and stalactites as well as other formations. It was quite impressive. The stalagmites grow at a rate of 1cm every 1000 years, making some of the formations are over 250 000 years old. The caves were first explored in 1895, by candlelight, but were opened to the public in 1985. 

Our tour of the caves was about an hour long. When we were finished our tour, we headed towards Londonderry which was about a 2 hour drive. We arrived shortly after 2p, and found a map that guided us around the city wall.

Londonderry; Guild Hall, Craft Village & City Walls
We walked around part of the wall, and then went into the craft village and found some lunch at Molly's Cafe. I had a delicious panini and Paul got lasagne. 

After lunch at Molly's, we went out one of the original gates and down a few steps to see the memorial for the Bloody Sunday massacre which happened in 1972. It's still very evident that it is having an effect on the people there. 

We then finished our walk along the city wall, seeing cannons and several churches. 

We left Londonderry shortly before 4p, and headed towards Mussenden temple. We followed the Causeway Coastal Road for the remainder of the day. 

Mussenden Temple
Mussenden Temple is right on the northern coast of Ireland, set up on a cliff with an amazing view. We walked around the grounds of the ruined estate (it was built in the 1800s and didn't fall into disrepair until 1944) and the temple. There were sheep grazing the grounds, so there was sheep poop everywhere

After seeing the temple, we continued along the coastline to Dunluce Castle. It is also in ruins, but very impressive. It was built right on the edge of a point of a cliff, and has a bridge over to it. It had closed by the time we got there, but we were still able to have a walk around.
Giants Causeway

From the castle it was a short drive into Bushmills, where we will be staying tonight. We found our hostel without any trouble, and checked in. It is a very big place, and quite nice with spacious rooms. 

It was shortly before 6p, so we decided to drive out to Giants Causeway and see if we could have a look around. 

We were quite close, and we were able to get to Giants Causeway just in time to see a gorgeous sunset, the first sunset the clouds have allowed us to see!! 

Giants Causeway
Giants causeway is absolutely amazing, something that needs to be seen in person to believe that it's actually existing and natural. The hexagon shapes of the interlocking rocks are incredible. It was definitely well worth seeing! 

We then headed back into the town of Bushmills and had dinner at A Flash in the Pan. We had cod and chips, and it was absolutely delicious. 

After dinner, we headed back to the hostel. I went next door to the co-op to get some crackers to go with our cheese.  I also got some yogurt; spiced pumpkin, and mango, passion fruit and lemongrass. I'm quite excited to try them. 

After trying to refrain from buying too much in the grocery store, I went back to the hostel to relax and read for a while before bed. 

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