
Showing posts from March, 2014

turkey; turquoise trail

Turquoise trail represents the path taken; stars represent towns where we stayed.  {budget} I purchased this trip as a bus tour on for $2298.  This included the flight, all breakfasts, all dinners, and all of the mentioned attractions with the exception of the turkish bath.  It also included the tour bus and all our hotels.  In my opinion it was an extremely fair price for what we received and I don't believe that I could have done it for less myself.  The tour company recommended tipping our guide a couple dollars more /day than google seemed to suggest was standard; so I would suggest doing your own research to find what you are comfortable with; plan at least $7/day total.  If you are interested in a hot air balloon ride, you can plan to spend approximately $200.  If you are hoping to find a rug while in turkey, you should budget accordingly.  There is a huge range in prices depending on where you buy it, size of rug, quality, etc.  You will definitely want to b

turkey; istanbul

{Monday November 4} Our last day has come :( ..I woke up with an upset stomach this morning so I curled up for a little longer. We went for breakfast around 7:30, but I just had a slice of cucumber, a bite of plum and half of a tea. After breakfast I laid down for a while, but then decided to go for one last walk..  Old Aqueduct We walked towards the aqueduct, but we couldn't see much more walking than by driving by. After that, we stubbled across a three storey plaza with several home decor fabric stores. I was quite excited to find this and was really hoping there would be some leather there as well, but unfortunately it was all home decor.  From there we walked back towards our hotel and stopped a a shoe store and a couple other shops. There was a pair of boots that I really liked but they didn't fit. I did get myself a new cardigan tho, it's a nice navy knit with chiffon in the back for $15 USD.  We got back to the hotel around 9:40 and finished pac